Thursday, 13 September 2012

Who are the True Disciples?

The true disciples are the followers of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. These are they who hold on to the teachings of the Lord, continue in them, and live by them like He said in John 8:31. They are those people who have forsaken all, given up everything to follow the Lord (Luke 14:33). They don't just call Him Lord in lip service, and deny Him in their actions but they do what the Father wants, laying down their own wishes for His will. They are the true worshipers that Jesus was talking about in John 4, who worship the Father in spirit and in truth, the hallmark of their worship being obedience and not just singing of choruses or hymns. They understand very well that obedience is better than sacrifice or any kind of offering. They are those who have offered their bodies as a living sacrifice unto God, pouring it out as a libation as it were unto the Most High.

These people in question aren't following the master just to get bread or the material things He can give to them, they aren't staying with Him because they want a miracle or breakthrough, rather they desire the word of God, they are keen on knowing the Lord, they are concerned about the matters of the kingdom. Their eyes are fixed on the things which are eternal not ephemeral things. When others turn back and leave the Lord because of His hard teachings, they wait and listen, accepting every word, asking for grace instead of turning back. They are not those who abandon the way of the Lord during hard times. They are deliberate in living by His word. These are the few walking on the narrow way that leads to life (Matt. 7:14). They are those branches that bear fruit, those branches that will not be cut off because they stay connected to the vine. They have denied themselves and forgotten about their own agenda, giving up their rights, taking His yoke upon themselves, carrying their cross daily, and bearing His burden for the people of the world while still following Him diligently (Luke 9:23).

They are a rare breed of 'Christians' who are completely sold out to the master, with uncompromising integrity and loyalty, obedient to the last. They do not defile themselves with idols, they follow the Lamb wherever He leads even when they know it will cost them their lives (Rev 14:4). They don't take the grace of God for granted. They are a peculiar set of people whom the Father can beat His chest for, vouch for, and boast of like He did for Job, who will not look back in the face of trial. They are those whose feet are well shod by the preparation of the gospel of peace, holding the testimony of Jesus wherever they go, passionate about spreading the good news and zealous of good works. Although not yet perfect, they are very eager to learn and become like the master as sincere apprentices of the Lord Jesus.

Those are the true disciples. However, we live in a self-deluded generation, very well deceived that we would somehow enter heaven without doing the Father's will as true disciples, whereas Jesus hasn't changed His mind neither was He joking when He said in Matthew 7:21 that “Not everyone who says to me ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven”.

Friends, please don't be caught up in the delusion. God has given us all free will to make choices and the best decision you can ever make in your life is to choose to follow Jesus from this minute with all your heart without looking back!

Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Who Am I?

I'm a son of the King of Kings. 
I'm sitted in heavenly places with Christ Jesus. 
I'm a true disciple of the Lord Jesus. 
I'm a citizen of heaven.
I was sent from the headquarters of my Father's Kingdom in the sides of the northern city, Zion to represent the Most High on the face of the earth. 
I'm here to show people the way things are done in the Kingdom where I'm from. 
I'm an ambassador of the Kingdom of Heaven in this foreign land. 
I'm a stranger and a pilgrim here. 
I'm not here to play, I'm here to open blind eyes, I'm here to build up lives. 
I'm a bond servant of the Master, the Lord Jesus. 
I'm the apple of God's eye. 
I'm a seed of Abraham. 
I'm the redeemed of the Lord. 

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Living as Christians

I have this new friend who started attending our church two weeks ago. We had a discussion yesterday and she told me about someone she had seen in the church. The story went that the man and his wife had a maid whom they maltreated and abused. My friend told me of how they used pestle and wooden spoon to beat her and how her body would be swollen from the torture. She also mentioned that they cut off all the maid’s contacts so no one could come to her rescue. Neighbours who knew about this could not rescue her because she was always locked indoors except when she’s out to dry clothes. It happened that one day, she went to dry some washed clothes and a neighbour advised her to run for her life which she did. Let’s leave the rest of the story. My friend then told me: “you see Christians in church but they are so wicked you don’t know why (is that true? You too are familiar with these kind of ‘Christians’-and there are many of them)

Friday, 4 May 2012

Son Reflector

What does the moon do? She generates no light. Contrary to the lyrics of the song, this harvest moon cannot shine on. Apart from the sun, the moon is nothing more than a pitch-black, pockmarked rock. But properly positioned, the moon beams. Let her do what she was made to do, and a clod of dirt becomes a source of inspiration, yea, verily, romance. The moon reflects the greater light.

Saturday, 14 April 2012

What Exactly Did Jesus Teach About Money?

I put it to you that if most people that go to church to seek for material blessings from God today actually want to live by the teachings of the Lord about money, less than 10% of them will want to become wealthy after all. Imagine a scenario where you’ve put in so much effort and with God’s help you make a lot of money and He instructs you expressly to go drop it at an orphanage or to give it all to a fellow who is in dire need, how will you feel? Will you obey?

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Understanding the Will of God (Based on Matthew.7:21)

Jesus sat on the mountain side probably for hours teaching his disciples and all who cared to listen in their numbers. As he brought his long and insightful sermon to a close, he told them “It is good you call me ‘Lord’ but be aware that only those who do what my Father wants (or His will or command) will have access in to His kingdom.”1 I thought one of the listeners would ask him, “Teacher, what does your Father want?” But no one did (at least, as recorded by Matthew)

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

O Love That Will Not Let Me Go

Permit me to share a story with you:

“O Love That Will Not Let Me Go” was written on the evening of George Matheson’s sister’s marriage. His whole family had gone to the wedding and left him alone. And he writes of something which had happened to him that caused immense mental anguish.

Many years back, he had been engaged until his fiancé learned that he was going blind, and since there was nothing the doctors could do about it, she told him she couldn’t marry a blind man. The blindness set in while he was studying for ministry.

Thursday, 2 February 2012

Living by Principles Compatible with Your Makeup

One of the challenges we face as Christians in this information age is that we have numerous information clamouring for our attention. Most of the information we are bombarded with is meant to waste our time and derail us from our purpose. Have you ever counted the number of emails, blackberry messages, Facebook updates, tweets, SMS, etc. that you receive on a daily basis that are not compatible with God’s message and direction for your life? If you did that, you may agree with me that in this age, for you to be effective as a believer, you have to be very selective.

Friday, 13 January 2012

The Act of Fellowship

In closing the previous post titled “Want to become like Him?” I wrote getting to know God through fellowship is the spell you cast to be transformed to the image of Christ while using the Word of God as mirror. Understanding and knowing what fellowship is and how to get through it is important for every Christian that desires more.
Fellowship simply means to have something in common. It speaks of a living, breathing, sharing, loving relationship with another person. It speaks of participation, partnership, communication, communion and (social) intercourse. A common ground is built for the parties involved that permits a communion of everything. So if I say I have fellowship with God, there is a ground on which we communicate continually allowing for a mutual sharing between us.
Biblically, every Christian is intended to fellowship with God, Christ and other Christians. Let’s take them one after another:

Monday, 9 January 2012

Want to Become like HIM?

A part of Chronicles of Narnia series has an interesting scene that will help us: Lucy always loved to look as beautiful as her older sister and she found a page from a magical book that can help transform a person to a desired image when standing in front of a mirror. She tore off the page and stole it.

Friday, 6 January 2012

Are You Struggling with Sin?

"Don't even try to live without sin, instead, aim to know Him more". I heard a preacher say those words recently and knew they were words to ponder. You might say " wait a sec, do you mean I should live with sin as a believer and its ok like that? No. Let me explain.

Thursday, 5 January 2012

God Loves You

What have you done that God cannot forgive? You mat have done bad things-really bad things-and come to conclusion that it’s impossible to gain His forgiveness. And so you continue in those things or you continually bear guilt of them. Who says God can’t forgive you?


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