Tuesday, 28 January 2014

What Can I Do For You My Lord?

"What can I do for you my Lord?
I want you to know my heart is yours,
It's not a question of what you can do for me
But what can I do for you my Lord?"

This is part of the lyrics of a song I consider timeless. For me, it is not just a song, or one of those "Christian songs". It is a real prayer. The Christian life we claim to live I often wonder if it is really 'The Christian Life' God expects us to be living. Or better still if this is all we have to offer God.

This new age Christianity is one I see to be 90% what we want God to do for us and 10% what we can do for God. Is it a sin or crime to ask God to do something for us? Absolutely not! Even the bible says that 'the expectations of the righteous will not be cut off.' Jesus also said that 'If we ask anything in His name, He will do it, so that His Father will be glorified.' (John 14:13)

But just like the lyrics, how often do we ask the Lord, 'what can I do for you?' Or are we only concerned about what Christ can do for us? Are we only after what we can get or what we can take from Him?

Majority of our prayer points today are filled with 'Lord grant me this or that, or do this and that for me.' Jesus is not tired of hearing our request, but He longs and desires to hear us ask for something different. Something selfless, something that is not all about us, something that doesn't have to do with us but with Him.

"Who will go for us?"

"It's not a question of what you can do for me, but what can I do for you my Lord?"

No doubt Jesus can do anything we ask according to His will. All power in heaven and on earth belongs to Him. He knows what we need even before we ask. But what I have discovered is that we are quick to tell Him our long list of needs and forgetting that He also Has things He needs us to do.

But the question is, are we mindful of those things He needs us to do or do we concern ourselves with only the needs we want met?

Take a moment each day to ask God what He wants you to do. It could be as simple as making a call that could stop someone from committing suicide or stealing or lieing. It could be as little as lending a helping hand to an elderly man or woman. Simple yet fulfilling.

It is more blessed to give than to receive. That does not mean we should reject God's blessings or love. It doesn't mean you should stop asking for His protection or provision or mercy or grace, but maybe it is high time you began to stand in the gap for someone other than yourself. You can go a step further by asking Him what you can give.

Christianity is about love and faith, it is about a responsibility. If all you do is ask God to do, you are not there yet. But when you ask Him 'Lord, what can I do for you today?' He will give you all that you need to do His will!

So why not sing along with me with a prayer heart...

"What can I do for you my Lord?
I want you to know my heart is yours,
It's not a question of what you can do for me
But what can I do for you my Lord?"

Monday, 13 January 2014

God’s great offer

Dear Friend,

It’s most likely you have heard how much God, the creator of the heavens and the earth is in love with you. It’s also very probable that you've heard that only the blood of Jesus, the only begotten Son of God can cleanse you from your sins.

However, do you know that God’s amazing package of salvation for you is far more than forgiveness and remission of sins? Forgiveness of sins, redemption from the bondage of the devil, justification which basically means being declared righteous and sanctification which basically means being made holy are all included in God’s blessing to any repentant soul, yet, it doesn't end there.

The focal point of God’s irresistible offer to you is that that you will become a bonafide member of His family. God says to everyone who turns from sin and comes to Him through Christ, “I will be a Father unto you and you will be my sons and daughters” (2 Cor. 6:18). And the Apostle John also recorded about Jesus, “As many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become the children of God, even to those who believe in His name” (John 1:12).

God is not only willing to forgive and cleanse us; He desires to make us His children. He wants to be our Father with Jesus being the firstborn among many brethren (Rom 8:29). This has been God’s big plan for the whole of mankind from the very beginning. Do you have an idea what it means to be a child of the Most High? 

Romans 8:17 says, “If children, then heirs, heirs of God, and joint heirs with Christ”. The inheritance you are entitled to when you become one of His Children is not just some material things you can gather here and there. God Himself becomes your heritage, “I am your exceedingly great reward” (Gen 15:1). “The earth is the Lord’s and all its fullness, the world and those who dwell therein (Ps. 24:1). The earth and all its fullness, all creation, all things in heaven and on earth, all diamond and all gold belong to God by right. He has the right of ownership on everything because He created them all. Yet see what He offers us – Himself. All that God is and has, His eternal life, His power, His wisdom, and His Kingdom are laid out for us to inherit. “For all things are yours. And you are Christ’s: and Christ is God’s” (1 Cor. 3: 21, 23). When you have Him you have everything.

So what is it going to be? Will you take this offer or will you just to let it go? Will you continue your life the same way? Can you hear Him knocking on the door of your heart? Won’t you rather let the Savior in? Why allow the devil rob you of all that the loving Savior has for you?

Jesus says, “Look I have been standing at the door and I am constantly knocking. If anyone hears Me calling him and opens the door, I will come in and fellowship with him and he with Me.” Revelation 3:20


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