And it shall come to pass, that whoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved - Acts 2v21
It is interesting to realize how truly powerless and powerful we are at the same time. Often times I wonder why things get so difficult and unbearable. The harder we try the worse it gets. Its like we take one step forward and all of a sudden, we are going three steps back. What could possible be the problem when we have tried all that we know to do? Even after we have called on friends and family to our rescue, but all to no avail.
One day I asked the Lord why the great miracles that happened during the time of Moses are not happening in our time. Has He changed? A little while after that, He answered me and said, " I have not changed. I am not the one who changes, it is you who changes."
"God is not a man that He should lie, nor the son of man that He should repent." He remains the same yesterday today and forever. He does not change, what He did thousands of years ago, He is more than able to replicate. We as humans have grown to look for alternatives besides God. With new age technology and so on, we have come to depend on other things and people because we think it is faster that way. But in the end, we are left void and empty, we are left with a greater problem.
When the children of Israel left Egypt and got to the Red sea, they had no alternative. They could not go back because pharaoh was already on their trail. They had only one option, to either cross the red sea or die. There was no one else to call on, no other option. God would not go back on His word, He would not let them down, He would not disgrace Himself, He would not lie. And so He did what no other option or alternative could do, He parted the Red sea and made His Children pass on dry land.
When Elijah was alone in the wilderness with no food or water and no fast food to call for food delivery, the only option he had was God. It was either God feed Him or he starved to death. And once again God proved Himself not to be unreliable. He sent the raven to bring food to Elijah. The raven is one of the stingiest birds who doesn't even give food to its young ones. But God used it anyway to prove to Elijah and to you and I that it does not matter the situation or circumstances, 'who ever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved".
My friend, call upon the name of the Lord today and He will save you. He his able to deliver and save you from whatever thing holding you captive or keeping you in bondage. When you are without Christ you are "powerless" but when you are with Him you are powerful.
Do not think you can do without Him. Every one who has ever said and done that ended up in destruction. The good news is that, you do no have to end up like them. Make the right choice today to be with Him and don't ever look back.
Call upon Him today and He will save you.