Tuesday, 21 February 2012

O Love That Will Not Let Me Go

Permit me to share a story with you:

“O Love That Will Not Let Me Go” was written on the evening of George Matheson’s sister’s marriage. His whole family had gone to the wedding and left him alone. And he writes of something which had happened to him that caused immense mental anguish.

Many years back, he had been engaged until his fiancé learned that he was going blind, and since there was nothing the doctors could do about it, she told him she couldn’t marry a blind man. The blindness set in while he was studying for ministry.

Thursday, 2 February 2012

Living by Principles Compatible with Your Makeup

One of the challenges we face as Christians in this information age is that we have numerous information clamouring for our attention. Most of the information we are bombarded with is meant to waste our time and derail us from our purpose. Have you ever counted the number of emails, blackberry messages, Facebook updates, tweets, SMS, etc. that you receive on a daily basis that are not compatible with God’s message and direction for your life? If you did that, you may agree with me that in this age, for you to be effective as a believer, you have to be very selective.


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